High pink striped boa...genetic???

Bred a 94 normal looking male to his 98 normal looking daughter. The male has a very slight tail stripe, and the female has a very mild tail pattern connection. She also has a light pink coloration to the bottom of her body. She produced 30 healthy babies. This female is the only one in the litter that has this long stripe. She is also very bright pink in color. Her bottom scales are also pink. Some of the babies have a bright pink color. Some of them have tail striping and/or saddle connections. And some of them have both a high pink and striped tail pattern. This has not been proven genetic as of yet. Hopefully she puts out a male stripe like this one next year. If you would like to see the project, feel free to check out this link... http://www.myspace.com/kekoasboas

Kekoas Boas