Sandboa information...


Dear VPI,

Can you point me to books on sandboas, and are there any you would recommend? I need information on all facts, especially food, temperatures, general care. I just purchased my first Kenyan sandboa. The breeder is being very patient with me, but I would like a good reference book. Thanks for a great site.  Carol D.


Dear Carol D

I don't know of a good published text specifically on the care and maintenance of sandboas. We do have a good care sheet posted on our site that I think you will find helpful.

I've kept sandboas since 1968 and Kenyans since 1979. We have over a 100 of them and I am very fond of them all. They are great snakes and the species will take just about any conditions that you give them and thrive. I hope you like yours...   DGB