Another first for me...

My first attempts of breeding any vanilla stuff worked out fantasticly. I bred a pastel vanilla to a pastel vanilla and got 2 Pastel super vanillas, 1 pastel vanilla, 1 vanilla and this little male super vanilla super Pastel designer. next stop, "VANILLA SCREAMS". I all ready have the female Fires in house. What is so cool about these double, triple, quad and more designers is that we can run them all the way to making such things as super vanilla screams (super pastel/super vanilla/super fire designers), and in the case of my Pewter Banana, it can go all the way to super pewter banana since there is a visual difference int he bananas from banana x banana breedings and they just need to be proced as true supers. One more vcomment on this amazing super vanilla/super pastel, these animals glow as they mature so his futre will be very bright. Doug Matuszak,

Doug Matuszak -